Essential Oils for Anxiety

Kristyn Bango anxiety aromatherapy essential oils essential oils safety natural health stress stress relief volatile oil


Essential Oils and Anxiety:

There have been several studies conducted on the use of essential oils for situational anxiety. In 2011 a study evaluated the effects of inhaling bergamot essential oil on the overall regulation of the autonomic immune system ( the part of the nervous system responsible for control of bodily functions such as breathing, heartbeat and digestion). This small study evaluated vital signs before and after 10 minutes of inhalation in school teachers (54) and found an overall reduction in heart rate and blood pressure.

Try diffusing bergamot essential oil for 10 mins. You can achieve this by using a standard diffuser or place a drop of essential oil on a cotton ball next to where you’re working.


Are you confused with all the conflicting information about essential oils? Learn how to choose essential oils and what I look for in the essential oils I use and why here.

 My goal is to help you learn to choose the proper oils to get the desired outcome you're looking for in you natural product selection. If you're ready to learn more pick up a coming of my new e-book Essential Oil Love, where you'll learn about carrier oil selection, how to choose essential oils, and properly dilute them for home use and so much more! Grab your copy of Essential Oil Love here. 

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