My Beauty Travel Checklist

Kristyn Bango beauty diy dry skin essential oil first aid green beauty natural oily skin sensitive skin skincare travel volatile oil

My family and I just returned from a 9 day trip down to Williamsburg and Virginia Beach, Va. When traveling with kids and staying in hotels there are a few things that I always have with me. Here is a list of the top 13 first aid and beauty items that were in my bag.

1. Arnica - This stuff is great for bumps and bruises. It can be used on sore muscles after a long hike or a day of travel when your muscles are tight from sitting in the car or on a plane for countless hours. A word of caution Arnica should not be used on broken skin, so while it's good for injuries do not use it if the skin is scraped or cut, in this case use a calendula oil instead. 

2. Sunny Days Oil - This oil has a very light SPF of about 7, so it provides light protection under mild sun and doubles as a moisturizing oil after a day outside. The recipe for this infused oil can be found on Vintage Remedies. I used this recipe with the addition of jojoba oil. 

3. Calendula Oil - This is a calendula infused olive oil. I love this for scraps and cuts or any type of skin inflammation. I also use it as a moisturizer on my kids as it is gentle and unscented. I never leave the house with out this or my Infused Calendula Salve. Which also works great as a diaper rash cream. The recipe for this oil can be found in our free recipe guide when you sign up and confirm your email for our newsletter.

4. Astragalus - I use this one for the kids but I also have it in capsule form for my husband and I. This adaptogen herb is great for boosting the immune system and helps the body to adapt in different situations. On vacation when we may not be getting as much rest as we are used to or eating out more this is a real life saver. I started using it a few days before we left and through out our vacation to help keep the kids immunity up. This is an herb I always keep on hand as we use it pretty consistently through the cold and flu season too. 

5. Saline Spray -  This is a plain unmedicated saline spray that is marketed for babies. I use this primarily for my oldest daughter who has pretty significant allergies. It is useful when staying in hotels and traveling as it helps to flush out anything that may cause congestion. 

6. Eucalyptus Inhaler - These little inhalers have a menthol aroma that help promote a feeling of clear breathing when you're feeling congested. I keep this around for the same reason as the saline spray. I love these as they are small and easy to carry around. There is no mess and they can be used pretty much anywhere with out worrying about bothering others with the aroma.

7. Lavender and Bergamot Room Spray - I use this spray in hotel rooms or as a relaxing spray during long car rides. The combination of bergamot and lavender has a calming effect which is always a good thing in the car. The recipe for this spray can be found in our free recipe guide when you sign up for our newsletter and confirm your email.

8. Plantain and Calendula Salve -  This salve can also be used for any type of inflammation but is particularly useful for bug bites and stings. I also use it as an intensive moisturizer and the kids love to use the little tube to put it on themselves. 

9. Calendula Infused Olive Oil with Lavender Essential Oil -  This can be used in the same way as the calendula oil. I store it in a little roller bottle so its easy to apply and take in my bag when we are out exploring. The addition of the lavender oil gives it antimicrobial properties as well as calming effects making it wonderful for first aid purposes.

10. Cream Cleanser - This is my personal face cleanser which is moisturizing and soothing. It uses sustainably harvested palm oil, coconut oil, frankincense, lavender and geranium essential oils. It's a gentle cleanser, and extremely moisturizing.

11. Natural Deodorant -  This is my handmade deodorant with cocoa butter and essential oils. I have been working on formulating a deodorant recipe after many request for it. After using this one in the heat of Virginia all week I have to say I'm pretty confident we have a winner. I hope to have it listed for sale very soon. 

12. Headache Relief Balm -   This balm uses the benefits of aromatherapy to naturally help reduce headache symptoms, which can be helpful when you feel a headache coming on.

13 Foaming Castille Soap - This is a combination of unscented castille soap and water in a travel foaming soap dispenser.  I love this for traveling as I can use it for hand washing and also body/hair wash for my kids in hotels. 

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